
Custom Luxury Feature Ideas for Your New Home

If you are custom building your new home, make it something special. Think about what you have always wanted, and do not be afraid to go for it. Here are some fun ideas for house construction in Utah. Giant Walk-in Closets Closet space is always great to have. While...

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7 Tips for Designing Your Garage

When building a new home, the garage is often an afterthought. But this overlooked extension to your home should also be given careful thought. If you are considering house construction in Utah, here are seven tips for designing your garage. 1. Attached or Detached?...

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Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your New House

If you have never built a home before, while it is exciting, it can also be a challenging process. As with all new areas, there are many mistakes that you can make, if you do not know what you are doing. If you are looking into house construction in Utah, here are...

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How to Stay Organized During Your Home Build

Building a home is a complex process that takes careful planning. There are lots of unexpected things that can and will change your plans or cause delays, and increase costs. Here are a few ways you can streamline the process, stay organized, and get the most out of...

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First time building a home? | Tips to help you get started

Deciding to build a home may not be an easy one. There is so much involved, it can be difficult to even know where to start. For those who have never built a home before, it can seem daunting at first. Whether you are building a home for the first time, or if you have...

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How helpful are home design software programs?

When building your own home, it is helpful to be as hands-on as possible when it comes to the design and creation process. Putting your ideas on paper, and then implemented on the ground, are all different steps of the design process that require professional...

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Considering Building A New Home? | Where Do You Start?

Building a new home is exciting, but having a dream and making it happen are completely different things. You need to know where to start with the process and how to see it through. Home designers in Utah know how to help you make your dream home a reality. Start with...

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Space Efficiency in Building A New Home

When building a new home, you have the opportunity to choose everything from the layout to the color of the carpet. Since these decisions may be difficult to change once they have been made, it is important to make these choices well in advance. During the designing...

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What to Consider When Choosing a Site

If you are looking into Utah home construction, there is much to do in advance. Before building your own home, one of the main things to decide, is the location. There are many things to consider before choosing a site. Not only do you need to figure out what area of...

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